Last night, we had our first Thursday night here at the Jordan Café without the Chapel service. Only takeaways. There were some sad conversations about why Chapel was not on, but people understand. Many of those in our Jordan Café Community do not have a mobile phone or the internet. They are not able to stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, YouTube etc. So, it is not the best option for us to record, or stream, a Chapel service. Instead, we decided to have ‘Chapel by printout.’

When people arrived to see if Chapel was on, or came in for a takeaway meal, or tea / coffee – We were able to give them a print out of the attached Jordan Café – Takeaway Reflection. Just a little something they can take home and hopefully read. Hopefully they can even call on, and remember, when times are tough and they get tougher. Last night, there were also wonderful opportunities to pray with people (from a distance and without the laying-on of hands 😊) and we want to continue to offer that.

We will try to get one reflection out every week (maybe even more frequent) and hand them out at all our Jordan Takeaway Café times. With Chapel, Bible Studies, Find-Out Fridays not running, we can give these out instead and we hope to continue to encourage each other, and grow, in God!

Jordan Café –Takeaway Reflection. Thursday, March 19th: Ephesians 6:10-20

20200319_reflection01_ephesians6 v0.2.pdf


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