This painting sits in the Jordan Café Office and so not a day goes by when I do not look at it. It is painted by one of the fellas from our Jordan Café Community, who has been in jail for a little while now and gets out (hopefully) in October. It will be good to see him again, that’s for sure. However, the painting is also a powerful reminder of the long and deep place that our dear Aboriginal sisters and brothers have at Newtown Mission, the Drop In and the Jordan Café. I also write this before going in to a very heavy and heart-breaking meeting with one of our dear Uncles.

I am reminded that for years-and-years, decades, the Jordan Café has been a place where incredible friendships have formed with our Aboriginal sisters and brothers. It is a place where we have quietly and closely walked together for a very long time. We are warmly embraced by our sisters and brothers! We are invited. There are lots of laughs and there are plenty of tears. We share life together. We go in to battle together. I am incredibly blessed and honoured to see all of this happen and to witness the friendships that form and grow. We are family. Though our hearts break at the stories and the history, our hearts also rejoice in the hope we have.

Personally, for Kim, our kids and myself we have some great Aunties and Uncles! They love us dearly; they care for us and we are so blessed by them.

We also join with wonderful organisations, such as the Aboriginal Medical Service, Aboriginal Legal Service, Aboriginal Housing Office, Newtown Neighbourhood Centre and other Churches. We give thanks for these services.

We give all thanks to God, we give all praise to God.


May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:5-6)


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