All Scripture is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16). Not some Scripture, not most of it but ALL Scripture is God breathed! God’s breath that gives life! And, last week, I had two memorable reminders of how life-giving the Bible is! And, how special it is for us to come together and read the Bible together. We have a number of small groups (good ol’ Bible Study) that meet during the week here at the Jordan Café. There is the Monday night group and then the lunchtime group (1:30 – 2:30 pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday).
I love coming to the Café on Tuesday and hearing how the Monday night group went! Last Tuesday, I was chatting to J, who is a long-time regular at the Jordan Café and who attends Monday nights. J said that last night (Monday night) was amazing. ‘The best yet!’ J then went on to explain how much she learnt and found it thought-provoking. Others say similar things … and they love gathering and reading the Bible together. The Monday group is faithfully led by Amy, Alec and Kim! Every Monday night they organise a meal for the group (where everyone brings something share!), they lead the Bible study and the discussion. They also care for, and support, those who are there – which builds closer friendships, and enables the group to walk together and grow more-and-more to be like Jesus. What we would call Discipleship. I cannot thank Amy, Alec and Kim enough for their leadership, their love and all the work that they put in to that group (and the Jordan Café). We are so blessed by what God is doing through them and this group. We get to see the incredible fruit that grows.
Secondly, last Friday lunchtime was a crazy time! We were very busy. So, it was hard-going to get the Bible Study running as there were plenty of interruptions. But we got there! Many of us at the Jordan Café, know and love Aunty K! She is softly spoken but a huge voice of love to the Community. Each time Aunty K arrives at the Café she makes her way around the Hall saying hello to everyone, shaking hands and giving out hugs. We had about 10 people at the Bible study and I was being called away regularly. Returning to the group, I found everyone chatting about Romans 12:12 (‘Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.’), which Aunty K said was her favourite verse in the Bible. A verse that has given Aunty K, strength and hope – especially considering everything she has gone through and she is battling. Aunty K lives this verse. Now usually Aunty K is very quiet but it was beautiful to hear her speak about what this verse meant to her. From that, it was then special, to hear what this verse meant to others at the table. It was a privilege to share that precious moment with everyone.
There is an incredible hunger for the things of God at the Jordan Café. People want to know more about Jesus, they want more of the Holy Spirit and they want to learn more from the Bible.
Thanks, God Bless,